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About Martin Evers MBC

Founded in 1969, we have been in existence for over 5 decades. Through those decades, we have received leadership through 3 dynamic Men of God. Pastor Austin Byrd, who is the founder of the church, Pastor Thermon Bradfield who served diligently and now, Pastor Alonzo Bell who serves as the current Pastor of MEMBC. Through the many ups and downs in our course of existence, God is continuing to bless our church, so much so that in Spring of 2018, we were blessed with a new edifice to not only add more people to the kingdom, but more importantly, support our community based efforts.  We are a community-based non-profit organization that aims to spread unconditional love, compassion and support to each other and families in the city of Detroit. One of our main focuses is empowering not only the community but specifically the youth for they are the next generation, but most importantly we strive to save souls and bring everyone closer to Christ. We continuously strive to make a positive impact in the lives of those we serve so that they too will spread the love one to another and tell the goodness of God's love.

Our Goals

Empower Youth and Families

Promote Education and Entrepreneurship

Spread Love and Save Souls

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